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Chipping made easy

This is as simple as Chipping gets. First, if you can, use the putter. You can only hit a putter to hard or to soft. With a chip you can hit it to hard to soft, skinny, fat, and you add spin into the equation.

These tips are for the right hander, if left handed reverse everything.

Pick the club to get you onto the green and rolling as soon as possible. 
Address the ball with the club heads leading edge facing the target. 
Hands ahead of the ball with soft hands. (means don't grip to tight or to loose). 
Feet close together (about 20cms apart). 
Feet Open (facing left 30 degrees). 
60% of your weight on the left foot. 
Ball in the middle of your stance or further toward the back foot for tighter lies. This will promote a larger margin of error and a lower ball flight. 
Shorter smooth backswing.(this will promote acceleration through the ball). 
Remember to accelerate through the ball with the leading edge of the club and the back of the left hand going toward the target for as long as possible.

Chipping problems you might have. You might let your right hand over take the left hand when accelerating through the ball (this will be the main cause of hitting it fat and skinny). 
The back of the left hand should always point towards the ground or at the target, never into the air when going through the hitting area of the ball)

Practice or warm up routine to quickly improve your chipping and pitching. 
Practice by chipping 100 balls with just the left hand and 100 with just the right hand (Do this with as many clubs as you wish from driver to lob wedge but mainly your chipping and pitching clubs. Do this for 1 week everyday on your lawn or at the golf club. DO NOT USE BOTH HANDS UNTIL YOU HAVE PRACTICED THE ONE HANDED DRILL FOR ONE WEEK. 
After your 1 week bring both hands (a normal chip) into the drill and reduce the number of balls.

Before Teeing off. Warm your chipping up before a game by using your pitching wedge and/or 8-iron. Hit 20 short chips with just the left hand 20 short chips with just the right hand and 20 as normal, with both hands.

What the hands do. The left hand is your main direction hand and your right hand is your main power hand.

What the above exercise does is promote excellent feel, eye hand coordination and confidence quickly. Feel and confidence are the two main elements to a great short game.

The rest of chipping is just lots of practice and confidence.

I hope this is helpful, good chipping!


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